A downloadable game

Dive into the world of "Sanitizer"! ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿšค Embark on an eco-friendly adventure as you navigate your boat through polluted oceans, collecting trash, saving trapped animals and restoring beauty to the seas. With stunning visuals and engaging gameplay, "Sanitizer" challenges you to make a difference, one piece of garbage at a time. Join us on this mission to save our oceans and experience the thrill of cleaning up the environment in a fun, immersive way. Are you ready to be the change? Play "Sanitizer" now and help us create a cleaner, greener future! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’งโœจ


Created for Climate Jam 2024: https://itch.io/jam/climate-jam-2024


Development Journey of "Sanitizer"

Our team, comprised of three programmers, two artist, one animator, embarked on an ambitious journey to create "Sanitizer," a game where players drive a boat and pick up trash in the ocean. From our initial brainstorming sessions to the final product, our development journey was filled with both excitement and challenges. Here's a look at how our game evolved, the surprises we encountered, the pitfalls we navigated, and the hardest decisions we had to make along the way.

Initial Concept

The original concept of "Sanitizer" was expansive and ambitious. We envisioned a game that not only focused on cleaning the ocean but also integrated dynamic sea levels, an upgrade system, and interactive NPC dialogues. The dynamic sea level was a particularly compelling feature, meant to show players the direct relationship between environmental pollution and climate change.

Major Changes and Surprises

As development progressed, we quickly realized that our vision was too grand for our small team. The dynamic sea level, which was supposed to visually represent the impact of pollution, was the hardest feature to cut. Despite its potential to enhance the player's experience, we lacked the necessary manpower and expertise to implement it effectively.

Similarly, the upgrade system and NPC dialogues were also scrapped. These features required more resources and time than we had available. Cutting these elements was a tough decision, but it allowed us to focus on polishing the core gameplay mechanics and ensuring a smooth player experience.

One of the biggest surprises was how much we underestimated the complexity of integrating seemingly simple features. For instance, the boat's movement and collision with trash objects required more fine-tuning than we anticipated. Additionally, balancing the game's difficulty and ensuring that it remained engaging without the cut features posed a significant challenge.

Pitfalls and Challenges

Throughout development, we faced several pitfalls. One major challenge was scope creep. Our initial enthusiasm led us to constantly add new ideas and features, which eventually became overwhelming. We had to learn the hard way to prioritize and focus on the core mechanics that made our game unique.

Another challenge was managing our time and resources effectively. With a small team, each member had to wear multiple hats. Programmers were also debugging and optimizing, while artists were tasked with creating assets and handling UI design. This juggling act often led to burnout and delays, not to mention we having to deal with time differences.

Hardest Cuts

The hardest cut was undoubtedly the dynamic sea level feature. It was a unique selling point that we believed would set our game apart. Removing it felt like losing a crucial part of our vision. However, we understood that implementing it halfheartedly would do more harm than good.

The upgrade system and NPC dialogues were also painful to remove. They would have added depth and replayability to the game, but their complexity was beyond our current capabilities.

Final Product

In the end, our final product, "Sanitizer," is a simpler, more focused game. Players drive a boat and pick up trash in the ocean, save trapped animals, with a strong emphasis on smooth mechanics and an engaging visual style. Despite the cuts and challenges, we are proud of what we achieved with our small team.

Team Involvement

Our core team consisted of six members: three programmers and three artists. We also had occasional input from external testers and mentors who provided valuable feedback. While we couldn't realize all our initial ideas, the collaborative effort and shared passion for the project helped us create a game that raises awareness about ocean pollution in a fun and engaging way.

Artistic Statement: 

Theme Incorporation and Artistic Intentions

"Sanitizer" was born from the desire to address the critical issue of ocean pollution and its broader impact on climate change. Our game embodies the theme of the jam, "Change the Story," by providing players with an interactive and engaging platform to become environmental heroes. Through the gameplay, which involves cleaning trash and saving sea animals trapped by debris, we aim to highlight the direct relationship between human activities, pollution, and the health of our planet.

Artistic Intentions

Our artistic intention with "Sanitizer" is to create a compelling narrative that inspires players to take action against environmental degradation. By depicting a polluted ocean and the distress of trapped marine life, we hope to evoke a sense of urgency and responsibility. The game's mechanics are designed to showcase the immediate benefits of cleaning up the environment, thereby reinforcing the idea that individual actions, no matter how small, can collectively make a significant difference.

Use of Low-Poly Theme

We chose a low-poly aesthetic for "Sanitizer" due to its simplicity and ease of implementation. This artistic choice not only allowed us to focus on the core gameplay mechanics but also provided a clean and visually appealing style that aligns with the game's environmental message. The low-poly design helps to create a distinct and approachable world, making the serious subject matter more accessible and engaging for players of all ages.


Our primary inspiration came from real-world efforts to combat ocean pollution and the ongoing battle against climate change. Documentaries, news articles, and environmental campaigns fueled our passion to create a game that could contribute to raising awareness and inspiring change. We also drew inspiration from other environmentally-focused games and media, aiming to create a unique blend of education and entertainment.

Gameplay and Climate Change

"Sanitizer" directly addresses climate change by highlighting the critical issue of ocean pollution. By engaging players in cleaning up trash and rescuing sea animals, the game demonstrates the direct impact of human activities on marine ecosystems. This connection educates players about how everyday waste contributes to larger environmental issues and emphasizes the importance of taking action to protect our environment.

Release Plan for "Sanitizer"

Future Development Plans

We are committed to continuing the development of "Sanitizer" until it fully embodies our original vision. Our future plans include:

  1. NPC Dialogues and Full Storyline: We aim to add interactive NPCs who provide context and depth to the game's narrative. These dialogues will enrich the player's experience by offering missions, sharing environmental insights, and creating a more immersive world.
  2. Player Progression: Implementing a comprehensive player progression system is a priority. This system will reward players with new abilities, tools, and cosmetic upgrades as they progress through the game, enhancing replayability and player engagement.
  3. Ship Upgrades: Introducing a variety of ship upgrades will allow players to customize and improve their vessels. These upgrades will provide tangible benefits, such as increased speed, better maneuverability, and more efficient trash collection, making the gameplay more dynamic and strategic.
  4. Dynamic Sea Level: The dynamic sea level feature will visually represent the impact of pollution and climate change within the game. As players progress, they will witness the sea level rise and fall based on their actions, reinforcing the connection between gameplay and real-world environmental consequences.


Sanitizer.zip 101 MB

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